The world of recruitment is a rapid one and time is always of the essence. There’s so much pressure to get things constantly moving forward that we can only imagine how stressful that can be.

When we’ve spoken to recruitment agencies like yours, the common problem we see is their websites aren’t working for them in the best ways they should be.

Time and time again, those conversations have also revealed to us the typical struggles that agency owners like yourself experience regularly. Do these sound familiar?

  • You constantly strive to streamline your processes.
  • You’re always looking for ways to enhance candidate experiences.
  • You struggle to make data-driven decisions.

It’s no wonder that’s what’s on your mind when you’ve got stats like this - “81% of businesses recruited in Q2 2023, and 1 in 3 (34%) of those who hired increased recruitment.”

At Made Simple Media, we’ve discovered the perfect system to help your website do everything you need it to so you can skyrocket your agency.

Introducing Broadbean!

Broadbean is a powerful CRM system that revolutionises the way recruitment agencies operate. With over 70% of the world’s leading recruitment agencies partnered with Broadbean, it’s no wonder that Broadbean is a recruiter’s best friend.

With our website development expertise and Broadbean’s powerful system, it’s a recruitment agency’s dream.

We want to share the great benefits of integrating Broadbean into your recruitment website and introduce you to our specialised recruitment agency website packages that include this game-changing CRM system.

Why Broadbean?

Broadbean isn't just another tool; it's a catalyst for success in the competitive world of recruitment. Automating your processes will make your life much easier, and it’s what Broadbean does best.

Automation and AI tools are increasing in the business world, with “2 in 5 businesses reporting using AI in the recruitment process to source or screen candidates, schedule interviews, create job adverts and interview questions.”

If that hasn’t grabbed your attention yet, here are some tantalising reasons why Broadbean is a must-have for your recruitment agency website:

Saves time

We don’t know how you recruitment agencies do it sometimes!

You juggle numerous tasks daily and sometimes get overwhelmed with all the jobs that need doing. From posting job ads to managing candidate responses, you’re at risk of burnout and stress.

Broadbean streamlines these processes so you can post job adverts in real-time or schedule them for later. This automation frees up valuable time for your team to focus on what truly matters: finding the best candidates for your clients.

Analytics & insights

Wouldn’t it be great to have the data you need all in one place? Understanding where your top candidates come from is pivotal to refining your recruitment strategy.

Broadbean provides detailed analytics that tracks candidate sources, allowing you to invest more in the platforms that yield the best results. This data-driven approach ensures that your efforts always align with your goals.

Improves candidate experience

It’s no news to you that the job market is a competitive space.

Providing an exceptional candidate experience is essential in reeling in the best of the best.
Broadbean's user-friendly interface ensures that candidates can easily apply for jobs and track their progress.

It’s a great way to stand out so you can attract top talent and enhance your agency's reputation.

Efficient organisation

We understand how important organisation is in your line of work.

Managing candidate responses can be a logistical nightmare without the right tools.
Broadbean simplifies this process, helping you organise candidate applications efficiently.

With a clear overview of all applicants, you can respond promptly and stay ahead of the competition.

Quota management

There are so many job boards out there that it can be difficult to keep up with where you’ve posted jobs.

Allocating job postings across various job boards is a breeze with Broadbean!

You can set and allocate quotas effortlessly, ensuring your listings reach the right audience without overspending.

Data-driven decision making

I’m sure you can relate when we say the world of recruitment is ever-evolving.

Staying ahead of the game requires informed decisions. Broadbean's easy-to-read reports provide expansive insights into your agency's performance.

Armed with this data, you can make informed strategic choices that propel your agency forward.

Our recruitment agency website packages

Now that you're aware of the transformative power of Broadbean, let's introduce you to our recruitment agency website packages.

At Made Simple Media, our comprehensive packages are designed to empower recruitment agencies with all the tools they need to succeed.

Here’s a glance at what that looks like:

Customised website design

We understand that every recruitment agency has its unique identity and branding.

At Made Simple Media, we will collaborate with you to create a visually stunning, custom website that not only showcases your agency's unique personality but also resonates with your target audience.

We focus on creating a website that sets you apart in the competitive recruitment landscape.

Mobile optimisation

We all know that mobile devices dominate internet usage, so it makes sense that a responsive and mobile-optimised website is a necessity.

Our website packages ensure that your website is seamlessly accessible on various devices, providing an optimal user experience for candidates who browse and apply for jobs on their smartphones and tablets.

User-friendly interface

Candidate experience is at the heart of successful recruitment.

We design your website with an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it effortless for job seekers to navigate through your listings, learn about your agency, and apply for positions.

We focus on creating a positive, easy experience that keeps candidates coming back.

Broadbean integration

If we haven’t said it enough already, Broadbean is the star of the show.

With this integration, you'll experience a great difference in how you handle job postings, candidate data, and analytics. Say goodbye to manual posting hassles, data entry headaches, and disjointed candidate tracking.

Broadbean becomes an integral part of your website, allowing you to effortlessly manage your recruitment processes, track applicant sources, and make informed decisions.

Comprehensive support

You’d be wrong to think this would be a one-and-done job.

We're committed to your long-term success and will provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your website and integrated systems run like a well-oiled machine.

We’re always just a call or email away, ready to assist with any inquiries, updates, or issues, so you can focus on your core mission: finding the best talent for your clients.

Get a leg up on the competition

There you have it!

You know first hand that efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and candidate experience are paramount. The integration of Broadbean into a bespoke recruitment website offers you a winning combination.

With our recruitment agency website packages, you'll gain a competitive edge in the recruitment industry. The amazing features such as a user-friendly website, mobile optimisation and Broadbean integration will make your agency a powerhouse in candidate sourcing and management.

If you're ready to take your recruitment agency to new heights, it's time to merge a bespoke, stunning website with the power of streamlined processes.

Contact us today to learn more about our website packages and start elevating your recruitment game.

Who are we?

We are a digital agency specialising in Web Design, Development, Concrete5 and digital marketing, based in London & West Sussex.

We make digital simple. Our purpose is to simplify your frustrations in digital and solve the challenges you face to help make you more money and progressively grow your business or organisation.

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