Back to Health is an Osteopathic clinic treating back pain, neck pain and a host of other musclo-skeletal problems based in Southwater, Horsham.
Providing treatment for back pain, neck pain and a host of other musclo-skeletal problems, our osteopathic clinic is conveniently located in Southwater, West Sussex, serving Horsham and surrounding areas.
Back to Health needed a professional new site to better showcase their business and help drive new enquries.
We produced this new website for Back to Health Clinic in Horsham, based on Concrete5 CMS. This gives the client easy editing of their pages and content. The website is fully responsive so it works well on all devices, whether they be mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers. The new design uses the screen space effectively and looks clean, friendly and professional - ideal for a healthcare based business.
Given the need to build trust with potential clients, we incorporated a new page for client reviews, with a reviews block placed throughout the site that links to the page. All reviews are taken from Google, so visitors are reassured that they are genuine.
One major room for improvement was the on-page SEO of the site, so we optimised page names and urls and made the NAP match their Google My Business listing to enhance their local SEO, which has had an immediate effect, leading to new enquiries. All old urls were redirected to the new pages and Google Analytics and Search Console have been installed to keep track of site traffic and ensure that technical aspects of the website are constantly monitored.
Happy clients150+
Websites in our care9+
Years trading94%
Client retentionHow can we help?
Contact us or book a Discovery Call...
01403 907890/0800 111 4504 [email protected] Book a Discovery Call